Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thats Not Right.

" He was so scared for them, you see. He wanted them to get stronger and be able to protect themselves. " pg. 281.

Why is this important in this book ? Well, i will tell you, this is where the principal, admits what she had done. She tells Hunter, after she had druged her with a very stroung dose of a drug. She couldnt move, or scream, but try so hard to. When she was under the drug, the principal told her. The coach wasnt the one who have been hurting young and weak Helio-Ras hunters. He might have been mean to them, but it was for there own good, he didnt want them to get hurt. Then she explanied how she had give them the drugs, it might kill students but a lose we are willing to take. She said. Then Hunter, figured out that she also sent the Hel-Bar attack. To see if the pills have been working, and they have. After they saw what happen to Will, and after Hunter told her about it, cause Hunter had trusted her. But then, Quinn came out to take the blood out of Hunter to save her, but if he did the blood could kill him, and it was meant to kill vampires. But, in the end. Hunter was fine, and so was Quinn. And the principal lady was in jail where she was suppose to be.

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